Blessed to Have a New Home


Well, the process of leaving the desert to re-establish myself back on the coast has been a HUGE challenge! Leaving my studio-center-dream, to heal, take care of myself, and find a new way to create a living is all new and I must say exciting! Who kows what’s next!

 One thing I know is that I plan to get a good job, save some money and do some travelling in the next few years. First off is a trip to Atlanta this year to the Blade show, and then saving to go to New Zealand! Well…………it is not a far cry in terms of aesthetics from where I now live, but is a fantastic place I have always wanted to vitsit, so NZ will be my first trip ever abroad, and I plan to stay for at least 2-months.

I am Blessed! Just take a look at the image above that I just shot; this is my backyard! Certainly nothing new, yet it is always new, and ever-changing, just like all things! What you are seeing here is a shot looking North, featuring a 3-mile-long sand-spit that separates the ocean from an inland tidal bay, which is Morro Bay, and at the Southern end is the town of Los Osos. It is a living environment like no other I have ever been fortunate-enough to live near, and now I am back! I felt like a tourist taking this picture, but I am seeing it with new eyes. All the amazing surf-breaks, hikes, and fun to be had is new to my current experience! I still have some great friends here and have been running into them here and there, and they are all happy that I am back, what more could I ask for.

 Love to you All. Jah-Guide! Don Carlos

One Response to “Blessed to Have a New Home”

  1. magentaraven Says:

    QUITE a view dude !!! fresh air too ! 🙂 looks sweet!

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